Can we connect images to the nodes of WordNet? See the pictures we've collected.
Li Fei-Fei (*), Kai Li, Jia Deng, Hao Su, Richard Socher
The participants on this project are supported by the Gordon Wu fellowship, ERP and Upton Fellowship, NSF grant CNS-0509447, Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Yahoo
We are working on a system to add a new relationship to WordNet that connects all parts of speech. Our goal is to bootstrap human ratings of evocation to the entirety of WordNet via machine learning.
Jordan Boyd-Graber (*), Christiane Fellbaum, Dan Osherson, Rob Schapire
This work has been supported by the National Science Foundation
Sense Disambiguation
In order to apply WordNet to untagged corpora, techniques must be
developed to perform word sense disambiguation (i.e. determine which
WordNet synset corresponds to a particular word in the text). We are
applying machine learning techniques to effect accurate word sense
disambiguation, thereby allowing a variety of NLP techniques which
leverage WordNet to be applied to a wide body of corpora.
Dave Blei(*), Miroslav Dudik, Jonathan Chang, Jordan Boyd-Graber, Dan Osherson, Rob Schapire
From WordNet to a Knowledge Base for Question Answering
Christiane Fellbaum(*), Peter Clark (Boeing), Jerry Hobbs (ISI/USC)
Robust Extraction of Meaning
Christiane Fellbaum(*), Chris Manning (Stanford), Andrew Ng (Stanford), Dan Jurafsky (Stanford)
(*) Contact person